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The Art Department at CRGS consists of a family of colleagues who work together. As a team we foster, nurture and build relationships with the students that we teach.

We are passionate about 'getting to know each individual child' - their hobbies, interests and lives will drive their own independent learning and challenge their creativity.

We provide students with exciting opportunities to explore, develop and learn creative and technical skills. Students are taught in mixed ability classes across all Key Stages and are encouraged to appreciate the work of other cultures, artists and art movements expressing their own thoughts, ideas and feelings along the way.

Students are challenged to create highly personal outcomes and lead their own investigations at KS4 and KS5, effectively writing their own schemes of work under the advice and guidance of their class teacher.

Studio Facilities 

We have a wide range of facilities in the department for students to access the curriculum. These include: a kiln, hand screen printing facilities, access to Photoshop, computers in all classrooms, and an art library in each room for students to further their knowledge in the history of art.

Studio Display

'Enjoy, Achieve and Celebrate' will continue to be our vision.

The Art Department is passionate about celebrating the work of our students through display. We have a rich, exciting and varied display in all classrooms and corridors; this is updated regularly to showcase students work from all year groups.

In addition to this we are proud to promote our Wall of Fame display located in the entrance lobby of the Art Department.  Often the most beautiful work is hidden away in the students’ sketchbooks. The purpose of the Wall of Fame is to exhibit work in frames, giving every child the opportunity to aspire to become Artist of the Month and to proudly and professionally display their achievements. A historical archive will be available to view the collection of work that was once on the Wall of Fame.

We exhibit exam work at the end of the course in an afternoon of open viewing.

Beyond the Curriculum

The course enables students to develop their visual and communication skills leading to a broad spectrum of career pathways. Others use the subject to broaden their educational experience, challenging themselves to think critically and creatively, developing fine motor skills transferrable to any career while gaining points in support of their university application.