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Vision, Values & Ethos



To be the UK’s leading selective state secondary school, where gifted students from diverse backgrounds achieve their full academic potential and develop into well rounded citizens and future leaders.


We strive to provide the best possible education to academically able 11–18-year-olds by creating a supportive and inclusive environment, where high calibre teaching staff raise the personal and professional aspirations of all students and help them to reach their full potential.

Core Values

We are dedicated to providing an exceptional education for our students and aim at excellence in all that we do. High standards and expectations permeate every aspect of school life and will be evident in our respect for others, conduct, achievement and attitude of our students. We expect our students to show behavioural and moral leadership that is robust and resilient.

We stand up for our values, actively and consistently promoting them as follows:

  • Compassion, by nurturing an awareness and consideration of the needs of others, developing empathy, understanding and acceptance of other’s views. Being welcoming of difference.
  • Respect for others, developing consideration and thoughtfulness in everyday life. Growing self-respect with qualities such as courtesy, commitment, good humour, industry, integrity, loyalty, pride in achievement, pride in appearance, self-confidence, and resilience.
  • Generosity, in our thoughts and deeds, through the gift of time and care for those around us and wanting others to do well. Diversity is valued and celebrated, and equality and inclusion central to our ethos.
  • Support to each other through staff and student mentoring in both academic and pastoral care, membership of student councils, the creation of clubs and societies reflecting the interests and needs of fellow students and through dedicated service to the community.

Our Priorities

The school seeks to help each student to achieve the greatest all-round development and success of which they are capable and to promote the academic, personal, social, moral and spiritual development of each individual.

Academic progress, development and care for the individual are our core priorities;

  • We strive to raise the aspirations of all students, and so to encourage, extend and inspire them, that they develop an ethos of equality, exceptional academic success and far-reaching personal vision that has the benefit of others at its core.
  • We care for the individual as a whole and about their personal development through enrichment and exposure to life and academia outside the taught curriculum. This is a cornerstone of our provision, complementing the emphasis on academic achievement and understanding of others, and demonstrating the richness of the school's provision for its students.

All staff, students, trustees, parents and carers are expected to share this statement of mission and to accept their personal responsibility for upholding and improving standards. A link to our Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Policy is here.