Computer Science

The department aims to ensure that every student at CRGS will leave the school competent and confident in Computing and familiar with a range of commonly used applications.

Resources include three computer suites consisting of 96 computers together with interactive whiteboards, projectors, Raspberry Pis etc.

Key Stage 3

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have a one-hour Computing lesson every week. The aim of each course is to extend the National Curriculum to explore a wide spectrum of Computer Science topics that allow students to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change their technological environment. Students should end year 9 with a fundamental understanding of the key topics of Computer Science and how they are deployed in the modern world. The Key Stage 3 scheme of work is directed towards the topics that are studied at Key Stage 4 so that students can make informed option choices. The most important element of the scheme is the emphasis on algorithms and programming skills which are delivered through Scratch, the programming interface of the Micro:bit and Python. Students further extend their computational thinking skills by entering the Bebras and Oxford University Computing Challenges.

In Year 7 students’ study:

Introduction to CRGS Digital Systems



Microbit I

Data Representation 1 – Binary and Characters

Python I – Chat Bot


Python II - Turtle Graphics

In Year 8 students’ study:


Python III – The Maze Game

Data Representation 2 - Binary and Images

Hypertext Mark-up Language

Spreadsheets I


In Year 9 students’ study:

Binary Logic

Python IV – Lists and Loops


Microbit II

AI and Machine Learning

Cyber Security



Key Stage 4

GCSE Computing – through the study of programming, this course will help learners develop critical thinking, analysis and problem-solving skills. For many, it will be a fun and interesting way to develop these skills, which can be transferred to other subjects and even applied in day-to-day life.

GCSE Computing at CRGS uses the OCR specification and is split into two papers and a non-exam assessment (NEA):


The Computing Systems paper consists of the following topics:

Systems Architecture

Memory and Storage

Computer Networks, Connections and Protocols

Network Security

Systems software

Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental

The Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming paper consists of the following topics:


Programming fundamentals

Producing Robust Programs

Boolean Logic

Programming Languages and IDEs


The NEA is a 20-hour project in lesson time where the students are expected to decompose a problem, abstract out the reagent information, program a solution and draft the technical analysis of their NEA.


View the GCSE Computign Specification


Key Stage 5

Students can continue with their interests by opting for AQA Computing at A-Level. Here students learn to program the computer, using Visual Basic, and study more advanced technical aspects of the computer:


Consequences of use of computing

Data Structures

Communication and Networking



Theory of computation

Big Data

Data Representation

Fundamentals of functional programming

Computer Systems

Systematic approach to problem solving

Computer organisation and architecture

Non-exam assessment - the computing practical project

Students take three modules – one on-screen examination, one written theory paper and undertake a practical project of their choosing.


View the A level Computing Specification



Programming Club allows students to learn more advanced programming techniques and investigate other languages.

Computing society is a weekly series of talks and discussions on a range of topical issues in Computing.

Computer Game club lets students explore a range of current and retro games.

Visits are planned to the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge, which houses over 24,000 pieces of Computing memorabilia and history.

All students have the opportunity to take part in numerous competitions including: Bebras, The Oxford University Coding Challenge and The British Informatics Olympiad.


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