The Technology department offers a range of exciting courses from KS3 through GCSE to A level. All courses are now reformed so follow the new themes of Explore Create Evaluate as a means to develop real-world product ideas.
Key stage 3 students are able to work on a variety of projects experiencing work with a range of materials including wood, metal, plastics and electronics. Key to developing young designers and technologists is their ability to work in teams and the students are frequently required to cooperate in order to solve problems. Projects are aimed at linking Technology, Maths and Science together.
GCSE students currently study OCR Product Design: Design & Technology.
Departmental team
- Mrs F Robinson (Head of Department)
- Mr Baker-Woods
- Ms Eldred
- Mr T Groves (Technology Technician)
The Technology Experience
The Design and Technology department organises and coordinates a range of extra curricular activities including:
- Smallpiece Trust residential courses
- An active Engineering Society
- Greenpower
- Backstage Production Crew
- Lego League
- MakerSpace
Students regularly take part in competitions including:
Some even have success on the national stage, such as Year 13 student Mainak Ghosh, who finished 3rd in the 2024 Seymourpowell Design Challenge!
Arkwright Scholarships
Currently the school has seven Arkwright Scholars - students in Y11 can apply for scholarships from the Arkwright foundation to support their sixth form studies in Design & Technology. Links with local businesses are sought and maintained for the benefit they bring to the width of experience students receive as they study Design and Technology. Students are mentored through the process by past and present scholars in the school. The scholarships also come with a financial reward to assist their studies and applications to university.
Technology Trips
Regular trips take place throughout the year to develop deeper understanding of current industry technology:
Harrods Aviation at Stansted to meet with engineers working on CRJ 700 Jets and Sikorsky 292 helicopter engines.
CJS Engineering Manufacturing for year 12 A level to gain hands on experience of CAM processes at industry level.
Woods Air Movement for industry and career insights.
Purcell Architects for live industry projects.
OCR Design and Technology A-level; Product Design
An overview
We follow the now reformed OCR Design and Technology course and the Product Design specialism that combines a wide range of analytical and problem solving skills along with designing and making skills. At CRGS we approach Design & Technology as a subject requiring the full 2 years to fully develop a student’s understanding and practice of the subject enabling students a solid foundation into technical and designing futures. The course provides an excellent foundation for students who wish to study the subject and related subjects such as engineering at a higher level.
Design & Technology
Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. The new GCE course, Product Design has been developed closely with Higher Education and industry to ensure that the direction of the qualification supports progression beyond A level. There has also been a focus on ensuring the content reflects authentic practice, giving an insight into the way that creative, engineering and/or manufacturing industries function. You are required to apply mathematical and scientific knowledge, understanding and skills and reflects the importance of Design and Technology as a pivotal STEM subject.
What’s included?
During the two year course you will study a range of materials, you will develop a technical understanding of how products function and how they are made to appropriately support the design and manufacture of your own design solutions. You will learn about wider design principles and the effect of design on users and the world we live in.
You will identify market needs and opportunities for new products, initiate and develop design solutions, and make and test prototypes/products. You will develop your subject knowledge, including how a product can be developed through the stages of prototyping, realisation and commercial manufacture.
You will develop a critical mind through enquiry and problem solving, exploration, creation and evaluation of iterative designs. OCR encourage freedom in approaches towards designing and making so as not to limit the possibilities of project work or the materials and processes being used.
Both courses require you to apply mathematical and scientific knowledge, understanding and skills. This content reflects the importance of Design and Technology as a pivotal STEM subject.
A level: How will you be assessed?
Component 03/04: Iterative design project
Central to this non-examined assessment is the requirement for students to understand and apply processes of iterative designing in their design and technology practice: exploring needs, creating solutions and evaluating how well the needs have been met.
Students identify an engaging and challenging context of their own choice that offers design opportunity or problem to respond to in the development of a design solution. They create a chronological portfolio of evidence in real-time as they design, make and evaluate the project according to the iterative processes of explore, create and evaluate.
Component 01 Principles of Product Design examination paper is worth 26.7%.
- Analyse existing products
- Demonstrate applied mathematical skills
- Demonstrate their technical knowledge of materials, product functionality, manufacturing processes and techniques
- Undertake case studies to demonstrate their understanding of wider social, moral and environmental issues that impact on the design and manufacturing industries.
Component 02: Problem Solving of Product Design examination paper is worth the remaining 23.3%.
- Apply their knowledge, understanding and skills of designing and manufacturing prototypes and products to given situations and problems
- Demonstrate their higher thinking skills to solve problems and evaluate situations and suitability of design solutions.
A Level - Design and Technology - H004-H006, H404-H406 - OCR