Old Colcestrian Society

The Old Colcestrian Society is the official alumni organisation of Colchester Royal Grammar School, with over 1,300 members. Our objectives are to help our members to stay in touch with each other and the school through a variety of events, to support the school and to support past and present students of the school with their studies and their careers.


Who are the Old Colcestrians?

The Old Colcestrian Society was founded in 1901 and has a membership of over 1,300 former students and staff of CRGS. Members are of all ages and are spread throughout the UK and abroad. Female students were admitted into the School Sixth Form from 1998, and the Society is now proud to boast 142 female OCs.

The Society's Objectives

  • Maintaining the associations and traditions of the School and the Society;
  • Furthering the interests of the School and the well-being of past and present students; and
  • Fostering fellowship and goodwill between past and present students.
In 2015, through the efforts of Past President (2013/14), Ian Sutherland, an Ambassador scheme has been set up with the aid and input of enthusiastic OCs who are keen to give as much back to the school as possible.  More information is held within the Ambassador section.

What we do

We have a calendar of events both sporting and social (including School and CRGSA events) designed to help members keep in touch and to help support school.
We hold a black tie dinner each December and a Reunion Day each summer. We also arrange occasional extra events, for example, a London Dinner at the House of Commons.
The Society also sponsors the production of the School magazine, ‘The Colcestrian’. We contribute a range of articles and news items, and make it available to our members every year. All members are kept uptodate, through regular email correspondence, informing them of the School's progress and achievements via the termly newsletter as well as notifying members of the students productions and events organised by the CRGSA.  The Society's web site is updated regularly.
The school has a varied collection of material in its archives, including fine portraits, photographs, shields, books by or about OC's, sports gear, caps, blazers, programmes, silver trophies and school magazines. Many of these items are on display in the Library. We would be grateful for further donations of any items relating to the School or its history. In particular we would appreciate copies of the School magazine 'The Colcestrian'. Alternatively, if you have archival items which you are not currently willing to part with, we would appreciate the opportunity to scan, photograph, or otherwise record them, and then return them to you. Please contact the Secretary, Michael Green, in the first instance.
We seek to develop close links with CRGS students and fellow Old Colcestrians, offering careers counselling to Sixth Formers and funding for bursaries to support students.
We also support the School with a variety of fundraising initiatives.
We welcome any offers of help and suggestions for events and other ways to support the School - please contact one of the Society's officers - we’d love to hear from you!